Vidwan-ID : 222199

  • Mrs Sohara Parveen N

  • Assistant Professor
  • Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute
Publications 2019 - 2021


  • 2
    Journal Articles
  • 1

Citations / H-Index

4 Citations
1 h-index
4 Citations

Google Scholar

Co-author Network


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

I am a expert in Medical Biochemistry

Personal Information

Mrs Sohara Parveen N

Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute Department of Allied Health Sciences,Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600095


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Allied Health Sciences

    Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute

  • Lecturer

    Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals

    Saveetha University


  • M.Sc

    Dr.ALMPG Institute of Basic Medical Sciences